V Strokovnem centru Mladinski dom Maribor se nenehno trudimo strokovno in človeško poskrbeti za zdrav psihofizični razvoj otrok in mladostnikov, ki so nameščeni pri nas. Vse naše napore usmerjamo v ustvarjanje varnega in spodbudnega življenjskega okolja, v katerem bodo naši otroci in mladostniki uspeli izpolniti zadane cilje, ki bodo izboljšali njihovo življenjsko situacijo.

Od 1.9.2023 bomo v enoti 4 izvajali Erasmus+ projekt, ki smo ga poimenovali Zdrav duh v zdravem okolju, s katerim bi radi še izboljšali obravnavo duševnega zdravja in življenja v naši skupini. Projekt bo trajal 15 mesecev.

Projekt je namenjen prenosu znanja iz drugih držav in institucij, ki bi jih lahko uporabili pri našem vzgojnem delu. Poleg prilagoditev pri življenju v skupini, bomo izvedli mobilnosti za otroke in mladostnike ter zaposlene. Namen mobilnost je širjenje obzorij, prenos znanja in spoznavanje drugih kultur in življenja.

Pred in po koncu projekta bomo izvedli posnetek stanja za primerjavo stanja in učinkov izvajanja prilagoditev. Rezultate bomo predstavili javnosti.

Za izvedbo projekta smo pridobili sredstva  iz razpisa Erasmus+ KA1, za kar smo se trudili celo leto. Z odobritvijo projekta je bilo naše delo nagrajeno. Z veseljem in pozitivno energijo se veselimo tudi naslednjih 15 mesecev.

Istočasno pa vse spodbujamo, da raziščete možnosti, ki jih ponuja Erasmus+ program. 


Milan Došen, koordinator projekta



In the Professional Centre of the Youth Home Maribor, we constantly strive professionally and humanely to take care of the healthy psychophysical development of the children and young people who are placed with us. We focus all our efforts on creating a safe and stimulating living environment in which our children and young people will be able to fulfil the set goals that will improve their life situation.

From September 1, 2023, we will implement the Erasmus+ project in the unit 4, which we have named Healthy mind in a healthy environment, with which we would like to further improve the treatment of mental health and life in our unit. The project will last 15 months.

The project aims to transfer knowledge from other countries and institutions that could be used in our educational work. In addition to adjustments to living in our unit 4, we will carry out mobilities for children and young people as well as employees. The purpose of mobilities is to expand horizons, transfer knowledge and get to know other cultures and life in general.

Before and after the end of the project, we will perform a snapshot of the situation to compare the situation and the effects of implementing the adjustments. The results will be presented to the public.

To implement the project, we obtained funds from the Erasmus+ KA1 tender, for which we worked all year. With the approval of the project, our work was rewarded. We look forward to the next 15 months with joy and positive energy.

At the same time, we encourage you to explore all the possibilities offered by the Erasmus+ program.


Milan Došen, Project coordinator
